
Supta Pawanmuktasana (Wind Releasing Pose)

Supta Pawanmuktasana (Wind Releasing Pose)

What’s inside?

  • How to do Supt Pawanmuktasana ?
  • Benefits and Contraindication of Pawanmuktasana
  • How to do Ardha Supt Pawanmuktasana ?

A. Supt Pawanmukt Asana

Practice: Starting Position – (Supine)

  1. Lie flat on your back, bring your legs together
  2. Lift your legs up, bend your legs to bring your knees and thigh to your chest
  3. Interlock your finger and clasp your hands, cuddle your legs towards your chest
  4. Slowly with inhalation lift your head up and try bringing your nose between both your knees
  5. Keep breathing normally
  6. Slowly bring your head down with exhalation after 5 to 7 breaths
  7. And slowly bring your legs down and relax once again


  1. Inhale while lifting head up
  2. Breath normally while in the posture (you could hold your breath shortly with inhalation)
  3. Exhale while keeping your head down


  1. Don’t lift your head up in case you have neck pain or cervical related issues
  2. Don’t hold your breath in case you have hypertension, high blood pressure or heart related disorder


  1. Keep observing your breath
  2. If you hold your breath, observe the pressure in the abdominal region


  1. Relieves back pain and also helps in slip disc
  2. Good for Digestive System
  3. Loosens spinal vertebrae and brings flexibility of spine
  4. Massages abdominal muscles, digestive and internal organs
  5. It massages pelvic muscles and reproductive organs, it is also useful in gas release, treating impotency and menstrual problems

B. Ardha Supt Pawanmukt Asana

  1. Lie flat on your back, bring your legs together
  2. Lift your right leg up, bend it, bring your knee and thigh to your chest
  3. Interlock your finger and clasp your hands, cuddle you leg towards your chest, ensure that your left leg is not lifted
  4. Slowly with inhalation lift your head up and try touching your nose to your right knee
  5. Keep breathing normally
  6. Slowly bring your head down with exhalation after 5 to 7 breaths
  7. Slowly bring your right leg down
  8. Repeat the practice with left leg

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