
Giloy – The Ultimate Herbal Remedy

Giloy – The Ultimate Herbal Remedy

Heart shaped moonseed commonly called Giloy, Makabuhay or Guduchi, and scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia is an herbaceous vine indigenous to the tropical areas of India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Shri Lanka. For centuries this plant has been used in traditional medicine to treat various disorders.

This heavenly remedy is said to work miraculously and can grant you a new life. Due to its special qualities, it is referred to as an elixir of life and holds its place in Hindu mythology. As narrated in the epic Hindu tales, during the event of Sagar Manthan the drops of the discovered elixir fell on various places. And where ever it dropped there grew this blessed plant. Since medieval times, the leaves and roots of this plant have been used in Ayurvedic medicine.

According to Ayurveda, this plant is the best medicine for fever, regardless of the type and age (time) of fever.

Regular consumption of the moonseed plant can cure almost everything. It grows easily, doesn’t require much attention and is commonly seen growing in parks, homes, forests, roadsides, field corners, mountainsides, etc. the vine largely grows well along with neem or mango trees.fake rolex womens watches ultimate rolex replica

It inhibits the qualities of the host tree and thus, the neem tree is considered best as the host tree for the vine for better medicinal purposes. The extract from its leaves and stem are used to make medicines and it is categorized as a hot-natured plant in Ayurveda. The plant is oily, bitter to taste and can produce clinking sensations.

If you consume a small, young stem of the plant then it can work miracles for the body and cure any ailment effectively.it has many benefits and qualities for the health. According to ayurvedic tradition, this plant has the power to control the three doshas of the body: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. And can transform the body tremendously. Apart from reducing inflammation, controlling sugar, and fighting the problem of arthritis, it has qualities to refine the body.replica watches malaysia breitling super avenger fake

Using Heart-leaved moonseed for breathing problems like asthma can be beneficial. It is also useful in curing jaundice, vomiting, dizziness, skin-related allergies, typhoid, dengue, malaria, common cold and cough, weakness, wrinkles, diabetes, heart congestion, stomach related problems, tuberculosis, joint pains, anemia, fight to age and increasing hunger.

Using it along neem and amla (Indian gooseberry) can cure skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. 

It can also aid in curing anemia, jaundice, and leprosy.

The chemical from this pant works as a tonic for the liver, purifying the blood, and fighting heart diseases. 

Taking a powder of Heart-leaved moonseeds with honey can cure cough, and with dried ginger, problems related to rheumatoid arthritis. Due to is the power to reduce inflammation it is effective in treating arthritis.

Moonseeds (giloy) powder taken in equal amounts along with dried ginger (sonth) and the gum of Indian bdellium-tree (guggul)  twice a day can cure many ailments including all that are mentioned above.

Rich in anti-oxidants, a  cup of a well-grinded mix of moonseeds and wheat seed juice with little water, 5-7  tulsi, and neem leaves is a very effective remedy for curing blood cancer.replica watches singapore ferrari 458 replica kit for sale

It can be taken along allopathic medical treatment as there are no side-effects of this plant. It is also beneficial for treating anemic patients.

It helps reduce the ‘Bad’ cholesterol or LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and protects the body from heart-related problems.

 To increase the platelet count: smash a 6-inch moonseed plant stem with 3-4 tulsi leaves, boil the paste in one glass of water and prepare a decoction and drink it. If you add  3 spoons of aloe-vera pulp to this decoction it will serve lifelong protection from diseases. And adding 3-4 fresh papaya leaves to the prepared concoction and consuming it three to four times a day (after every 3-4 hours) can increase the process of platelet production. There is no better way to increase natural production platelets in the body. The plant is also very effective in treating dengue, swine flu, and bird flu.

Taking one spoon of giloy powder with desi ghee can relief the boy from acidity, joint pain, improper early aging and body ache.

Infertility can be cured naturally by consumption of moonseed and ashwagandha powder in one glass of hot milk.

Patients suffering from tuberculosis can benefit from a mix of moonseeds, cardamom, and bamboo eyes (vanshlochan) discharge. 

 A decoction of moonseeds with Spreading hogweed (Punarnava herb)  can be beneficial in treating epilepsy.

A paste of fresh moonseed stems with little cold water can bring relief during diarrhea. Moonseed powder with jaggery can treat bile, increase blood formation and other stomach related problems like constipation.

Taken along sugar candy, moonseed decoction can cure hiccups. And about 20 grams of moonseed intake can increase your hunger.

For rough skin, a warmed mix of moonseed oil and milk can be used, after it is cooled down. It works effectively on pimples and wrinkles. You can prepare a face mix with moonseed juice or paste, fruit pulp and Aloe-Vera gel. This soothes the skin and keeps it fresh and young.

A decoction of moonseed poured twice in the ears will clean the ears and bring relief from ear pain. It can also cure a positive SGOT or SGPT or an increased Bilirubin in the liver.

If you suffer from weakness or lack of important body metals then you can follow this recipe for rich nourishment. Smash some moonseed, mix it in a glass of water and keep it overnight. In the morning, squeeze the plant and drink the liquid which is obtained. It can taste bitter, for that you can honey or sugar candy (mishri). Diabetics should take the squeezed liquid, the way it is, without adding any sugar substitutes.

Moonseed decoction can rejuvenate the body, improve the immune system and increase the efficiency of white blood cells. It is also helpful in treating sex-related problems.

Its chemical properties consist of diverse phytochemicals, including alkaloids, phytosterols, glycosides, and mixed other chemical compounds. Its leaves contain calcium, protein, phosphorous, and its stem contains starch. It is an antidote for viruses and serves as an antibiotic.

 It is an apoptogenic herb which is used to cure stress and tension. It also helps improve the digestive system.

Thus, with its countless benefits to body health, this plant deserves a place in your garden. And is abundantly available and requires very little care. Though it has been used in Ayurveda for ages but due to inadequate design or other limitations of clinical research on this plant, there is no high-quality scientific evidence that it affects any disease, and it is not in use as a prescription drug.

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