
How meditation changes the brain?

How meditation changes the brain?

Meditation is an ancient wellness practice that promotes relaxation, focus, and awareness of the body and mind. In Psychology, meditation is defined as “a family of mental training practices that are designed to familiarize the practitioner with specific types of mental processes.”  Research has shown that meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and increase feelings of calmness and tranquillity.  This, in turn, leads to an improved sense of presence, attentiveness, and an increase in valued human qualities such as patience and empathy. It is a journey of enlightenment and self-realization. It is a habitual practice of training the mind to focus and redirect your thoughts towards positivity. There are various modes of meditation. One of the finest forms of medication, which is known to nourish the mind, is mindful meditation. Tracing its roots from Buddhism, mindful meditation is a systematic procedure of mental training that propels to slow down racing negative thoughts, detach from negativity and toxicity of mind, and instil a sense of complete awareness of the present. It also advocates being mindful of where we are and be oblivious to everything around us. This technique of meditation usually involves breathing practices, mental imagery, awareness of mind, muscle relaxation, etc.  It is known to nourish the brain by reducing anxiety and stress. Meditation is known to improve the connection between the mind and body and make the brain more profound.

Meditation has gained substantial popularity in the past decade and is now considered a conventional practice. People are spending time working with their minds, following their breath, and learning to appreciate the power of the present moment. Meditation bridges the gap between the past and future and helps the brain settle in the present.

Research in the field of psychology has established that meditation is good for body and soul. It is known to make ordinary people extraordinary. Meditation nurtures the part of the brain that contributes to the overall well-being of the body and mind. Further, the regular practice of meditation deprives the stress and anxiety-related parts of the brain of their nourishment.

Effects of meditation on different parts of the brain     

Left Hippocampus:

It can be termed as the cognitive apparatus of the brain. This area is known to help us learn. The memory power of the brain is also dependent on the hippocampus and its also used for critical analysis. Research has shown that as the cortical thickness of the hippocampus grows in volume through meditation, gray matter density increases and all of these important functions are nurtured.

Posterior Cingulate:

The posterior cingulated is connected with the imagination and creativity of the brain – that is, the degree of subjectivity and referral to oneself when processing information. It seems that the larger and stronger the posterior cingulate, the less the mind wanders, and a more realistic approach to life can be achieved. Meditation is known to increase the density of the posterior cingulate, which, in turn, helps the mind to be more stable and deters it from wandering around.


The pons is involved in a great number of essential functions, including sleep, facial expressions, processing sensory input, and basic physical functioning.  Meditation is known to strengthen the pons.  This is a very busy and important part of the brain as it produces neurotransmitters that help regulate the activities of the brain.


 Tere is another area of the brain that is changed through meditation, and that is the amygdala.  This part of the brain is known to produce feelings of anxiety, fear, and general stress. Hence the smaller the amygdale, the better. Mindfulness meditation is known to decrease the size of the amygdala to a measurable extent. No wonder we feel so great when a daily meditation regime is incorporated into our lives.

10 Positive Effects Meditation Have On Your Brain:

Peaceful sleep cycle:

Meditation helps in calming the mind and sets in the sense of peace and tranquillity that induces sleep. It helps you to let go of those recurring thoughts that keep drifting off at night. You are also more likely to have a deeper sleep so that you wake up all energized to continue with your routine work and help the brain develop better.

Sharper Memory:

Meditation is a  predominant exercise for the brain to able to control it and pave the way for brain development. Studies have shown meditation can improve your memory. This is particularly important in tody’s digital age, where the attention spans are getting smaller and smaller, and people are facing difficulty to concentrate.

Flowing Creativity:

Since meditation ensures peace of mind and proper sleep cycle, it makes the brain happy and healthy, so that it can take leaps to achieve greater heights. Meditation can help you awaken the creative parts of your brain and enhance the mind to come up with interesting creative ideas.

Less Anxiety:

One of the greatest benefits of meditation is that it subsides anxiety and stress. The world today is tormented with challenges and tribulations. Meditation can reduce the level of anxiety in mind. Studies have actually shown that it actually re-writes your brain so that neural pathways responsible for fear and anxious thoughts are weakened.

Increased empathy:

Meditation promotes a sense of harmony and oneness through its practices. Various techniques to mediation help to develop the cognitive skills of bringing in affinity and brotherhood for fellow beings. The deep state of flow facilitates to build social connectedness and make us more affectionate and generous.

A Healthier Body:

Meditation can be seen as an excellent exercise for maintaining better mental and physical well-being. It is one of the best and easiest ways to ensure overall health. Research has shown that it can turn on genes that can protect you from pain, high blood pressure, and infertility, among other benefits. Meditation has also been proven to aid in cell generation within the body.

See Also: Yoga Poses to Improve Your Blood Circulation

Mental Clarity:

Meditation has been linked to better focus, concentration, and attention to detail. Studies have shown that it can re-wire your brain to strengthen the parts associated with attention and the sensory processing unit. Research has proved that those who practice meditation in their daily routine are prone to witness improved cognitive skills, which in turn, boosts their professional career. 

Immunity Booster:

Meditation has been shown to boost your immune system and to increase your chances of staying fit. It is said to churn all the 7 Chakras of the body to attain a state of equilibrium. This, in turn, reduces the stress level and elevates immunity in the body. Go ahead with your winter night outs without the fear of catching a cold, because meditation helps within staying fit. 

Promotes Emotional Well being:

Mental health proves to be an indispensable part of the entire health.  Self-awareness and self-worth are very important aspects of life, which need to acknowledged by every individual.  Meditation envisages various self-actualization techniques, which helps in abandoning various depressive and mood-related complications. 

Greater Happiness:

Meditation can increase your levels of feel-good chemicals like endorphins and serotonin. Studies also indicate it may increase your capacity for happiness and reduce the propensity to be engrossed in negativity and positive thoughts. The nectar of optimism blooms the beautiful flowers of life, through meditation and yoga. 

See Also: What happens to the brain during meditation?

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