
Yoga Poses For Eyes

Yoga Poses For Eyes

Before digging into the topic “Yoga Poses For Eyes” there is something which everyone should know.

Eyes are arguably the most delicate organ of the body. It is very likely to squint or rub the eyes after a long stretch of work. It is one of the most used sense organs. With the digitization wave hitting several walks of life, people tend to spend long hours before the computer screens, which prove too strenuous for the eyes. This increased “screen time” has caused several eye disorders among adults. Blurred visions, itchy and watery eyes, migraines, double visions etc. are all common complaints of people these days.

The main reason behind this is constant eyeing of computer monitors, tablets and smartphones, which forces us to focus the eyes at a single distance near the face. Eyes were not meant to do such close extensive work. Hence most people end up suffering from eye disorders.

Thank God we have yoga to our rescue! This holistic approach of healing and well-being has something for every part of the body. Many eye professionals swear by yoga rituals to maintain proper eyesight and overall health of the eyes. When the yoga asanas are religiously followed, they tend to rest the overused muscles of the eyes and help strengthen them (eye muscles) as well. That allows the vision to focus better.

Here is a list of Yoga Poses For Eyes that can help you to feel better

Eye Rotation (Up and Down)

It is an eye exercise that helps relax the inner muscle of the cortex. To perform this, you need to sit with the legs stretched out and the head erect. Now try focusing on a particular object in front of you. After a few seconds, take the gaze upward whilst breathing deeply. Repeat the same for downward gaze. Once done, close your eyes for 15 seconds and repeat the process all over. This constant movement of the eyes acts as a deterrent to eye disorders and also improves vision.

Eye Rotation (Sideways)

This movement of eyeballs is beneficial for people with myopia (short-sightedness) and hypermetropia (long-sightedness). To perform this exercise, you need to sit in Padmasana whilst keeping the spine erect. Take the Linga mudra by stretching the arms forwards with fists clasped and closed and thumbs facing upward. Cast a gaze at the linga. Do not blink. Bring the fist nearer to the eyes and slowly move it towards the right. Let your eyes follow the path. Then retrace the course of the fist to the centre, with the eyes following the same. Repeat the same on the other side.


Eyes need to relax. And the best way of relaxation is to improve blood circulation. A warming exercise for the eyes to ensure better circulation is called palming. It helps in reducing puffiness of the eyes and also helps it relax for longer. For this, you need to rub your palms against each other, creating some warmth. Place these warm palms on your closed eyes and try feeling the heat relaxing the eyes. It is a simple exercise that is very beneficial for the eyes.


Trataka is a practice of gazing at an object over a fixed period. It is a great manoeuvre to enhance concentration powers and improve eyesight. It is incredibly helpful for curing myopia. You need to sit down comfortably in Padmasana or Vajrasana and put a candle about two feet away from where you are. Start gazing at the flame. Do not blink. Keep looking at love as long as you can. You can also keep a count of time in your head so that the minder does not wander around.

Bhastrika Pranayama

One of the best ways to improve the vision of the eye is by enhancing blood circulation around the head and eye. Bhastrika Pranayama does just that. It helps in rejuvenating the physical and mental being, thereby improving the overall health of the body. It would help if you sat comfortably with your spine erect. Close the right nostril with the right thumb and start inhaling and exhale briskly through the left one. Do this at least 20 times. Do the same process with the left thumb on the left nostril and exhale through the opposite nostril. Then finish this asana, make one bhastrika with both the nostrils open.

Bahya Pranayama

Bahya Pranayama helps in improving the overall blood circulation of the body, including the eyes, along with cleansing the lungs and respiratory system.  It is advisable to perform this asana in an empty stomach. Just sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana and inhale deeply. Make sure to empty the lungs during exhalation. Now lock the chin with the chest while holding your breath. Now suck the belly inside as close to the spine, as close as possible. Then exhale and inhale continuously following the same path. Perform this for five to seven minutes.


Maintaining the overall health of the eyes is of utmost importance as it reminds us how beautiful and colourful our world is. Make sure to wash your eyes with cold water every day. Do not put dirty hands on your eyes; make sure your hands are clean. Maintaining a healthy diet and adequate sleep is also essential to maintain good eyesight.

See Also: Yoga Poses For Asthma

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