
Steps and Benefits of Tolasana (tulasana, balance pose, scale pose)

Steps and Benefits of Tolasana (tulasana, balance pose, scale pose)

Tolasana is very helpful among all other asanas to create and encourages the one to have deeper flexibility in the hip flexors, ankles, and wrists. This posture strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders, chest, hips, and legs of the body. Tolasana is highly focused on all areas of the body, like muscles of the abdomen, including obliques, which line the side of our waist. Tolasana can be known with so many other names also.

Tolasana creates fire in the body; it is an advanced asana to bring balance and focus to the mind. It brings deep connection, strength, and wisdom if performed with positivity and full concentration. Tolasana gives a sense of liberation, control, and powerful strength that can be experienced by a yogi or tapas.

Steps to do Tolasana

  1. Sit on your mat on the ground and assuming the cross leg posture, and make sure that your hips are higher than your knees so that you can easily slip into the lotus pose.
  2. Cross the foot of one leg over the thighs of the other as such that the heel of the foot is set into the crease of the hip joint.
  3. The sole must be in an upwards direction.
  4. Flex your feet and make sure that your ankles are pressed down on your thighs.
  5. Place your hands beside your hips; palms are pressed firmly on the floor/mat.
  6. Lift your buttocks off the ground. 
  7. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds and relax by coming down gently and release the pose.
  8. No need to practice with another leg up in the lotus pose but remember to practice with your alternate legs when you do next time.

You may avoid the asana if you have an injury in the arms, wrist, or shoulder, or if you have a knee injury. This asana is beneficial to make you healthy and balance your body.

Benefits of Tolasana

  1. Tolasana creates flexibility in the hip flexors, ankles, wrists.
  2. It strengthens the wrist, arms, shoulders, chest, hips, and legs.
  3. Tolasana focused on abdominal muscles.
  4. It helps in improving the digestive system.
  5. Ensures the mental and physical strength of the body.
  6. Tolasana sharpens your mind, awareness, and concentration power.
  7. Enhances the production of beneficial hormones in the body.
  8. By regular practice increases the levels of serotonin in the body, and one feels right.

It stimulates the root (Muladhara) chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra

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