


The Parsvottanasana can be described as Intense Side Strech Pose, which is a kind of standing and front bending asana. The word Parsvottanasana has been derived from the Sanskrit word “Parshva,” which means “side,” ut, which means “intense,” “tan,” which means “to extend,” and “asana” means “pose.” This pose was unknown in the medieval period and become famous in later ages. It begins with the asana popularly known as Tadasana.

The pose of Parsvottanasana is a little bit complex, and like one is going gymnastic pose. It is a challenging posture that gives the opportunity to show one’s exceptional and extraordinary capacity of fine arts where all poses are clearly seen. This pose requires the presence of mind, clarity, and concentration. This Parsvottanasana is an asana which has inner and outer both poses of body parts and needs various folds, lengthen, spread, and soften more deeply into the pose.


It is like one is applying Samadhi, so one needs control and restraints both. One has to set up the outer boundaries first and then indulge itself in asana. It has the following steps to be followed very minutely and with full concentration:

Lie your back on the floor for a moment to observe yourself into a mountain pose (Tadasana).

Reach your arms overhead, on an inhalation, stretch heels away from hands.

On the exhalation, maintain the extension through legs and arms. Take it easy to make your abdomen soften and inner body to straighten on the floor.

While doing Parsvottanasana, the hands are pressed palms together in a prayer position (Joining Hands) behind the back and fingertips upwards.

The feet are settled about a leg length apart, and both legs remain straight. The forward foot will be in the front direction, and the rear foot will be positioned 60 degrees forward.

The hips will be aligned at right angles, i.e., in 90 degrees to the feet so that it’s easy for the body to move downwards in front bending direction. The body will be stretched with the aid of hands on the floor.


It helps in building a sense of freedom by deciding the outer boundaries of your body. So, it should be practiced with a lot of patience and control. The mind should be fully prepared to do asana and reap its full benefits. It helps us in a number of ways few benefits of Parsvottanasana are mentioned below. Kindly note:

  1. It helps in building up concentration and presence of mind.
  2. It helps in the toning of legs.
  3. It’s a kind of stretching exercise.
  4. It Improves balancing power.
  5. It helps in lowering and supports lower back pain and asymmetries.
  6. Women should not try it into pregnancy.

While practicing Parsvottanasana, one has a feeling of falling but can be improved by proper outline alignment and inner tense of the body. It is a disciplinary yoga to create clear boundaries that can generate a sense of self-control and self-reliance

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