
How to do Astavakrasana and its benefits?

How to do Astavakrasana and its benefits?

Astavakrasana can be understood  by its name, that means eight; it is an eight-angle pose. This asana is a hand-balancing pose and a little bit difficult for beginners and very beneficial for the body. It is a pose type of arm balancing and also known as the eight-angle pose. It is a balancing exercise, arms strength, and hamstring stretch. It is an advanced yoga posture that requires greater flexibility and core strength. It helps in strengthening the arms and abdominal muscles. Astavakrasana gives the stretch in legs, relief from stress, and gives you confidence and positivity in your lives. It is a hand-balancing yoga in modern yoga dedicated to the sage Astavakra, the spiritual guru of King Janaka. Astha means eight, vakra means bent, curved and asana means posture or seat.

How to do Astavakrasana

There is a number of steps to be in the Astavakrasana posture; you must understand each step one by one.

  1. Start with the sitting pose in your comfort zone.
  2. With the help of your cross legs, try to hug your right thigh into your chest by straightening your left leg out in front of you on the floor/mat. Lift and straighten or lengthen your spine and engage your core by pressing your naval back and up.
  3. Place your right arm under your right knee, and get your right knee as high as possible on the right arm; you can do this even by bringing your knee over the right shoulder.
  4. Settle both the palms on the floor on the higher side of your hip and straighten your left leg.
  5. Now try to do Eka hasta bhujasana by pressing your palms on the floor and lifting your body upwards, including your left leg and foot.
  6. Your right leg must be attached to your right arm.
  7. Once you lift your left leg, bend that leg and bring the foot towards your body to hook your left ankle around your right ankle.
  8. Try to bend your arms to the 90 degrees angle to shift your torso weight forward, towards parallel to the floor. Move your legs over to the right and parallel to the front of your mat.
  9. Straighten your legs and squeeze your right arm. Lift your head but do not try to crank your neck. Try to shift your hip back and chest forward.
  10. Now, at last, try to straighten your arms and shift your weight back to lower to your butt with control and repeat the pose on the other side.

Benefits of doing Astavakrasana

Try to avoid this asana if you have shoulder, wrists, or elbows injuries. It absolutely requires hip mobility, balance, and core strength. Astavakrasana has many benefits for the one who performs it regularly as:

  1. Astavakrasana helps in developing balancing power and focus.
  2. Strengthens the wrists and arms.
  3. Astavakrasana helps in toning the abdominal muscles.
  4. Provides greater flexibility and stretching power.

Astavakrasana must be done with full enthusiasm and dedication to get the best results. It must be performed with calmness and a sense of peacefulness.

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