
Yoga Vacation in pristine Himalayas can calm down mind

Yoga Vacation in pristine Himalayas can calm down mind

How often do you feel your surroundings embracing you? Every particle in the environment loving you …..accepting you and giving you an innocent hug, without a judgement? Only the pure heart of a mother is capable of that. Such embraces by your environment can only be experienced in the purity of the natural surroundings!

Day three of Jibhi-retreat was about a long but not tiring trek up to a snow-white peak. A peak with a 360 degree view of mountains, snow, trees and a 360 degree experience of freshness and purity.

We practiced meditation in the white of the snow on the peak, did yoga besides the pure water of a lake and among the white sheep of the mountains about whose whereabouts we could only know once we broke from the meditative spell of our minds. Whether the atmosphere cast that spell on us or if we had grown so good at meditation, it was hard to decipher. In fact, come to think about it, we did not even care to give it a thought back then.

It is only in retrospect that the mind seems to develop a longing for the loving unconditional embrace of the pure, untouched and unadulterated mountain skies, the snow and the air. The longing for that pure white expanse that we saw before us when we reached the top of the peak, the expanse that seemed to merge in the horizon and thus seem like the world to us. A white world, full of nothingness and yet rich in its innocence.

It felt like we have been there since forever….time seemed to lose its grip on us and we counted our blessings with every breath we took. Each inhalation was an awareness to life and with each exhalation the white of the surroundings seem to vanquish the remnants of any negative energy that there was within us. It was like adding a spoon of salt to a tasteless river, it still remains pure….

I wish I were more elaborate with my description of the peak. But the paucity of words is only indicative of unwillingness of the mind to conjure up a detailed description that does less justice to the calm of the environment that has us infinitely indebted for all its generosity and an experience worth a life time.

This place, an epitome of purity, is worth a thousand trekking expeditions! You can reach us to know our next retreat event to experience the best of Mindfulness meditation.

Yoga Travel to Himalayas

Yoga Travel and Meditation on top of Himalayas

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