
Why Your Kids Need A Mix of Modern and Traditional Yoga

Why Your Kids Need A Mix of Modern and Traditional Yoga

There is no doubt about the fact that yoga is one of the best ways of keeping healthy and honing the skills of the mind and body. If started early in life, yoga promises a future full of benefits, ranging from a lower risk of chronic illnesses to better stress management. 

However, while you may understand the benefits of yoga as a parent, it can be hard for you to convince your child to take time and engage in such exercise. Indeed, the idea of your child who spends the day skipping and bounding around, sitting still in contemplative meditation, may be hard for you to imagine. With the age of internet and social media, children’s need for continuous stimulation has increased even as their attention span has reduced. As a result, they need something innovative and interesting that matches their current arousal levels to help them get hooked to a new activity.

Modern forms of yoga, with their focus on strength, dynamism, and flow can help do just that. These modern exercises also often use a number of props and music, which makes them a more preppy and upbeat form of exercise in the style of modern gyms and group activities. But while such an approach may help them hone physical strength, it will leave out some very important components that make yoga truly holistic – the focus on discipline, flexibility, fine motor skills and of course, mental concentration and balance. Hence, once children are inducted into yoga using modern styles, a good teacher will know to help them advance to more traditional styles. This transition will help your children become more secure in their body and mind, making them more productive and helping them cope with the external pressures that they face in daily life.

Thus, to truly benefit from the discipline of yoga, your children need a tailored and transitional approach to yoga, one that provides them the best of the modern styles before bringing them to the fold of the discipline as it traditionally is. For this, you require expert teacher well-versed in various yoga styles, who are also observant guides who know when it is time to make a change. Such a teacher can effectively ensure that your child gets the best from yoga. 

So we suggest, to look for yoga teachers who could do justice to this nice balancing role and its requirements and can help your child’s health and wellness requirements.

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