
The perfect meditation routine for your vacation

The perfect meditation routine for your vacation

Vacations are the perfect time to step back, relax, and unwind all the tension that’s been building in your body and mind as you take some time off work. Vacations are a great opportunity to work on yourself and indulge in any hobbies you have been putting off for the lack of time, and generally prepare to face your responsibilities in a positive way when you get back to work.

To help you attain more peace of mind, let go of your anxiety and stress, and generally be able to feel more in tune with your thoughts and emotions, meditation is a great thing to try out during your vacation. Your vacation may involve a lot of travelling from one part of a city to another, to and from your hotel room, sightseeing, and just a lot of moving about in general. 

While all of this is going on, it may seem tough to fit in the time to meditate. After all, you’re unwinding already, what’s the need for more relaxation? However, once you fall off the wagon, it can be hard to jump on again.

There are several reasons why you may want to continue with your meditation routine on your holiday as well, and we’re here to give you some tips and tricks to set achievable goals and set up the ideal meditation routine for your vacation.

There are a few things to keep in mind first. It is important that you take the time to just relax and unwind. Even when on vacation, it may take your mind time to get off the “always busy” mode, and then you can truly start appreciating your vacation for what it is. Meditation can help bring you to the present, and hence settle into your vacation quicker

Don’t set unrealistic goals for yourself. With the mentality of always being busy, you may set yourself a long list of things to do, places to visit and even think about increasing the time you dedicate to meditation. Whe it may seem to be completely doable as you have plenty of free time, this may cause you to flake out on actually practicing meditation.

Practice empathy with yourself. Know that schedules change, surprises present themselves and you must be ready to go with the flow. Don’t set lofty expectations, instead, just give yourself time to sit down and reflect. Even just doing a small step, and giving yourself credit for it, may help you maintain a habit of meditation even during your vacation.

Learning how to use any moment that you get to be mindful and meditate is also a big part of maintaining a meditation routine on your vacation. If you can, always make a few minutes, first thing in the morning, to sit down and meditate, even if it’s only for a few minutes. If you have a shawl you like to use, or a cushion you regularly sit on to meditate, bring it along if feasible. Remove excuses for your morning self to indulge in.

Practice a few deep breaths whenever you’re waiting to set on a journey, pause and be grateful for the things you have. Take a deep whiff of the morning coffee in your hands, sit still and close your eyes. Practicing mindfulness even in the smallest moments is a part of your meditation routine, and should not be taken for granted. These little things are the ones that help you keep the right mindset to continue with your meditation practices.

Connecting your practice to a routine can also help. If you do it early in the morning, where lesser distractions are around you, chances are you’ll be able to stick to the habit. This involves tying your meditation routine to a regular habit, such as brushing your teeth or taking a bath. This will help ground you and keep you accountable for your meditation practice.
If you make meditation an integral part of your life, you will surely be able to prioritize it on the days of vacation as well. And if you live in Delhi and want to learn more about meditation, mindfulness, and find inner peace through the principles of yoga, Hith Yoga is the ideal yoga studio for you. You can also combine your yoga routines and a vacation by attending this perfect yoga retreat in India.

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