
Health benefits of Limestone

Health benefits of Limestone

Limestone is a regular material name used in various aspects of life such as construction, chemistry labs, kitchen, plastering, etc. in India it is also avidly consumed in Paan (beetle leaf). Chemically known as calcium carbonate, limestone is a rich source of calcium for the body and is known to cure many ailments like it can be very beneficial for patients of jaundice. Adding limestone about the size of a wheat grain to a glass of sugarcane juice can accelerate the cure of jaundice.

Taking limestone or lime powder on an empty stomach in the morning every day can work miracles for our body.

It is an effective remedy for impotence. If men suffering from lower sperm count take lime with sugarcane juice, they can regain their count to a healthy amount within one to one and a half years. It is also very beneficial for women suffering from infertility due to lower egg formation. 

Limestone can help students increase memory, strength, and brainpower. Taken with curd or lentils or simply with water, it aids in the growth of body height and memory power. Students who are struggling through school life, not being able to think quickly and solve problems smartly and efficiently can get better results if they consume limestone in small amounts regularly.

It can also provide fast relief to women and girls suffering from menstrual pains. Also, women in their menopause can be relieved by consuming this great natural product. During pregnancy consuming limestone about the size of wheat grain with pomegranate juice daily for nine months imparts strength, energy and a rich source of calcium to the baring mother and, nourishes the child too. it provides four main benefits to the mother and child:

  1. There are no complications during pregnancy and delivery. Also, the chances of it being a natural delivery increases.
  2. The child will be born strong and healthy.
  3. The child will have a strong immune system which will prevent the baby from falling ill very easily.
  4. And the child will tend to have a higher IQ.

Often people suffer from back pain due to the gap between the vertebrae in the lower backbone. This problem tends to become more frequent with an increase in age. (veroinn.com) Also, there might be a broken backbone. Whatever might be the cause of back pain, limestone is one medicinal product that has the maximum capability of curing these problems. It is the best source of calcium for the body, our bones require it to grow strongly and rapidly. Some other pains and problems can be cured by consuming limestone. These are: 

Knee pain.

Shoulder pain.


Hot and cold sensation in the teeth.

Aphthae in the mouth.

Increases the blood levels that help cure anemia.

The results are most effective when limestone is consumed regularly in the morning on an empty stomach in minimal amounts, about the size of wheat grain with fresh juice or warm water.

As mentioned earlier, Paan is a fondly consumed after-meal digestive mouth freshener or sweetener, in many parts of our diverse country and lime paste is a major ingredient of the dish. No doubt people who have paan tend to be intelligent. But other harmful ingredients can suppress the benefits of lime and harm the body in various ways. Ingredients like tobacco, catechu (Katha), and betel nut (supari) are unhealthy for the body. Instead, these can be replaced by saffron, cloves, and cardamom which are healthier and more fragrant.

If someone is suggested for a knee replacement, then they should try out this medicinal remedy before taking the lifechanging decision.  By sincerely taking limestone every day, you might not even need the replacement and the functioning of the knee is recovered smoothly!

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