
How To Do Dhanurasana In 12 steps | With Hith Yoga

How To Do Dhanurasana In 12 steps | With Hith Yoga

What’s Inside ?

  • How to do Dhanurasana or Bow pose?
  • How to control your breathing during the asana?
  • Benefits of Dhanurasana or Bow pose
  • Contra-indications of Dhanurasana or bow pose

Performing Dhanurasana yoga pose with the Starting position as:

1. Lie down on the mat on the prone position, Chin on the mat, body relaxed.

2. Gently bend the knees and bring the heels closer to the hips.

3. Hold the right ankle with right hand and left ankle with left hand.

4. Make your grip tight and body comfortable in this posture.

Entering the Asana:

5. Inhale and raise your shoulders up and push your feet back

6. The entire weight of the body is on the abdominal region.

7. Arms, shoulders and the back remains relaxed. There is a stretch in leg muscles especially on thigh area.

8. Exhale and relax in the posture.

9. Now, inhale and gently try to take your shoulders back and raise your thighs up from the ground as much as your body allows. 

Holding on to the Asana:

10.  As your body enters into complete posture like the shape of a bow, keep on taking long and deep breaths while making your body comfortable in the asana.

Coming out of the Asana:

11.  Exhale, and bring the shoulders, Chest and thighs down on the mat.

12.  Release the hands and let your body relax after coming out of the posture


1. Normal breathing while getting ready for the posture.

2. As we enter the asana, Inhale deeply

3. After entering the asana- take 3-5 long and deep breaths

4. As, we prepare to come out of the posture, exhale deeply and loosen up the muscles.

5. After coming out, take normal breaths while resting till your body relaxes.

Awareness: Abdominal region and the spinal area.


1. Massages the abdominal organs, adrenal glands, pancreas

2. Tones the muscles around the waist and the legs.

3. Helps in reducing weight

4. Very beneficial for the digestion- improves entire functions and works on any disorder related to it.

5. Strengthens leg muscles

6. Increases spinal Strength.

7. Works on the Nervous system of the body.

8. Helpful for managing Diabetes and menstrual disorders


People with hernia, ulcer, colitis, High Blood pressure, surgery around abdominal area or Heart issues should not practice this asana.

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