
All You Need to Know About PCOD

All You Need to Know About PCOD

As wonderous the female reproductive system is, it is also complicated, and conservative norms often prevent women from discussing important signs and symptoms related to their health. One of the very common problems that one in ten women face is PCOD or polycystic ovary disease, a hormonal condition in which the ovaries develop a number of small cysts.

Symptoms of PCOD can occur anytime after menstruation first begins, and major symptoms to look out for include – 

  • Irregularity in periods, including an erratic cycle or heavy bleeding
  • Abnormal hair growth on the face and the body; some may also face hair loss
  • Acne and oily skin
  • Weight gain and low metabolism
  • Darkening patches of the skin

A medical diagnosis is required to truly establish whether a woman suffers from PCOD. The diagnosis is often a setback for many women, given that the condition is chronic and involves a host of symptoms and treatments. However, early detection and intervention, along with a positive attitude and active treatment approach, can help in keeping the problem in check, even to the extent that it does not affect daily life.

Indeed, early detection and intervention are some of the best ways to deal with the issue. PCOD not only impacts the body, but it also impacts the mind – hormonal changes along with the symptoms can often cause lower self-esteem and even depression in women, which may make them less likely to try and treat the problem. The continual barrage of symptoms can take a toll on the body, and the low metabolic rate that this disease causes leads to obesity, which often brings its own set of problems. 

A healthy diet and exercise habit adopted from an early age can thus complement medical treatment and ensure that you at your best, inside and out. This process can also keep the worst of PCOD’s consequences, such as diabetes, depression, and infertility, at bay. 

You do not need to be intimidated by the challenge, as having PCOD does not mean that you have to achieve extraordinary levels of fitness. Instead, all you have to do is ensure that you are at the peak of fitness that your body can achieve. Simple changes in diet such as reducing carbs and swapping out junk for whole grains and vegetables, three to four days of moderate-intensity exercises, and some mental workouts like meditation are excellent starting points to not just keep PCOD in check, but attain better health overall.

PCOD can be a challenge to deal with, but it does not mean that you will have to live a lesser life. With the right support, motivation and early intervention, you can not only keep the problem in check but thrive in spite of it. So if you are facing any of the symptoms above, do not hesitate and seek out medical consultation as early as you can.

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