


1. Let’s come to starting posture. Sit with legs stretched out straight, spine erect, hands near the hips on sides of the body.

2. Raise your right leg up, bend your right knee, place the right foot on the left thigh. Kindly make sure that your heel is near or slightly touching perineum region or close to the pubic bone. The sole of the feet is facing upwards.

3. As you put the right foot over the left thigh, adjust the foot to make this posture comfortable.

4. Repeat from the other side. Raise your left foot up and place it on the right thigh, sole facing upwards.

5. Adjust both the feet, bring them closer to the body, hips comfortably placed in the posture.

6. Both the knees should be closer or touching the ground

7. Head straight and spine should be in upright position.

8. Place both the hands on the knees, Palms facing towards upwards (generally in chin mudra or any other mudra you wish to practice with padmasana)

9. While making yourself comfortable, ensure that the shoulders are relaxed and body has accepted this posture. Make necessary movements to bring your body into complete alignment and balance.

10.  Close your eyes, take long and deep breaths. Bring your awareness to the breathing.

11.  Do not force any thought process, let the mind relax with every exhalation.

Breathing :

As the correct posture is obtained, long and deep breath in and out


After coming into this posture, full awareness must be on the breathing.


1. Calms down the mind – makes it ready to enter into meditation.

2. The steady posture of padmasana direct the flow of prana deepening the meditation.

3. Stimulates digestives process


1. As it puts lot of pressure on the knees, people with knee issues must not do it

2. People suffering from major sciatic issues not to perform this asana

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