
10 Yoga Poses to Alleviate Lower Back Pain

10 Yoga Poses to Alleviate Lower Back Pain

Back pain can occur for a number of reasons, ranging from injuries and stress to poor posture. But no matter what the cause, there is one thing that always remains constant – discomfort. The back provides structure and support to the entire body, and pain in the lower back can render you immobile and reduce your productivity and wellbeing, and can also become a causal factor for a number of other health problems. If you face back problems regularly, you may need equally regular exercise and stretching to strengthen the region and prevent future problems. These ten yoga poses can help you do just that – 

Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose) – A refreshing pose for the whole body, this asana particularly acts on the lower regions of the body, including the legs and lower back, to reduce swelling, tiredness, and increases blood circulation. The pose is also easy enough to be attempted by those who may not be at the peak of flexibility or fitness. Actual Viparita Karani as per the traditional yoga is a mudra (a gesture/ attitude) which works on a psychic path but the video would explain the way it has been modified to help you relax your back. 

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) – A challenging yet restorative asana, this pose directly engaged the muscles of the back and helps in strengthening and stretching them. As a bonus, this asana is also known to help in relaxation and in improving digestion.

Cat-Cow Pose – Bringing a little dynamism to your workout, this gentle and easily doable stretching exercise works the entire spinal column and helps in increasing circulation, stimulating the muscles and reducing stiffness, and increases mobility.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog) – Perhaps the easiest and most well-known of all yoga asanas, this pose is also quite versatile in the benefits it provides. Stretching out the entire body, it helps in lengthening and stimulating the muscles of the lower back. Its ease means that even those at a lower level of fitness can easily enjoy its benefits.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) – A slightly challenging asana for those with low levels of flexibility, this asana can provide an intense yet incredibly restorative stretch to the lower back, and helps in engaging the muscles in ways they are not usually. Feel free to use supports such as straps to help you get into the pose.

Matsyaasana (Fish Pose) – Another challenging but rewarding pose, this asana is completely dependent on the strength of your back and helps in increasing blood flow, stretching the back muscles, and also hones concentration. The asana can be straining on the neck if not done properly, so feel free to use blocks or towels to get in position.


Halasana (Plough Pose) – Known to be one of the best asanas for back pain, this pose helps in engaging both the hips and the lower back muscles, increases circulation, and also challenges your balance and shoulder strength. Do not try to touch your legs on the floor in the very first go – it can hurt your neck. Instead, use a prop of appropriate height to get as deep as you can without hurting yourself.


Ustrasana (Camel Pose) – An invigorating asana that gets your blood pumping, this asana opens up the chest and the neck, stretches your lower back, and helps in reducing shoulder stiffness too. Those with tight shoulders may, however, face some issues in the execution of the asana, so do use a wall or other strong support if needed.

 Salabhasana (Locust Pose) – This asana is essentially considered as a preparatory pose for the more challenging backbend asanas, helping in stimulating the region and increasing flexibility of the muscles. As you regularly practise this asana, your ability to hold the pose will increase, and your lower back pain will certainly reduce. 

Agnistambhasana (Fire Log Pose) – Giving an intense stretch to the outer hips, this asana helps in working the entire lower back region and strengthens the surrounding muscles to reduce and prevent lower back pain. Hold the pose for at least one minute to gain the full benefits of this asana.

Now that you know about these asanas, practice them regularly and you will see your back problems going away in no time. 

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