
corporate workshop

hith yoga

Corporate Workshops

Mindfullness session

Mindfulness improvement sessions

If you have been thinking of introducing mindfulness as a tool to improve office productivity and performance, you are right track. Many studies and our experiences from the past tell us that injecting a corporate culture of mindfulness not only improves focus, but the ability to manage stress and how employees work together.

hith yoga

Improved decision making

Without any doubt decision making is the most important and critical cogniitive skills that your employee posses. Hence making right decision could hold the key to success or failure of your projects/organization. This workshop works towards increasing the ability of the mind to taking right decisions, by helping employees to move away from clutters of daily work pressures.

hith yoga

Relaxation Session

Mat-based Yoga session. Learn some of the best and quick heal solutions to keep yourself relaxed and focused. It has greater focus on reducing unwanted/counter-productive thoughts.

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga/Desktop Yoga

A yoga to be practiced while sitting on office chairs. It also covers the basic ergonomics and postural corrections. Aimed to keep the spine and joints healthy, it is combined with breathing and meditation practices to help the mind remain sharp and positive.

Energy Management Capsule

Energy Management Capsule

Yoga based sessions to help improve overall employee productivity and efficiency by managing and redirecting the energies. This is an excellent module to help you improve the team efficiency.

a. Individual based – This only targets to work on individuals
b. Team based – In addition to the individual This works on improving the overall team efficiency

Stress Management

Stress Management Sessions

These sessions include various short and long techniques that could be learned, based on individual’s nature to help them combat stress. You could chose the techniques based on your temperament.

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Yogic Off-sites

If you are looking to generate enthusiasm and a fun filled break for your team where they could learn as well then Yoga off-sites are one of the best option. This would help to develop connect and bonding in a lighter way.

International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day

Looking to do a yoga session to celebrate the International Day of Yoga on 21st June or any date around this? Book sessions with Hith Yoga and relax. With excellent quality of teachers, who have handled large crowds, we would ensure that you are able to create a buzz and send the message to adapt healthy lifestyle in your employees

hith yoga

Short yoga sessions in office

Are you looking to spread awareness amongst your employees to take up yoga as a holistic practice? Try out our short 1 hour session (can be customized further based on your requirements)

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